International workshop on implementing CLLD
- Datum objave 09.11.2023
Our workshop on LEADER and multi-funded CLLD approaches attracted around 80 participants from 20 Member States to Ljubljana, Slovenia, earlier this month, who exchanged experiences and main challenges for the implementation of multi-funded CLLD at the policy and operational level and discussed practical solutions for improvement of the use of multi-funded CLLD, in the current and next programming period.
This networking event in Ljubljana explored different approaches to using a multi-funded approach for CLLD in the Member States. Delegates also explored the main planning, design and implementing challenges which face multi-funding and shared practical solutions that work well at both programming and local level, such as the use of a Lead Fund.
See the event webpage to learn more from the presentations and other material, including the ‘travelling workshops’ showcasing Slovenian LAGs that used multi-funded CLLD at the local level.
More about the event on the website EU CAP NETWORK.
EU CAP Network workshop on LEADER and Multi-funded CLLD – EVENT PAGE.
Slovenian article: Mednarodna delavnica na temo izvajanja lokalnega razvoja, ki ga vodi skupnost
Presentation: LEADER_CLLD_Slovenian model_18.10.23.