Information on Slovenia’s implementation of its CAP Strategic plan
- Datum objave 17.08.2023
Slovenia’s CAP Strategic plan was approved by the European Commission on the 28th of October 2022, coming into effect with the 1st of January. While the main document is written in Slovenian, we also prepared a recap in English, which presents some of the main features of the CAP Strategic plan for Slovenia. The recap is available on the English version of our website.
Subsidiary application campaign
The subsidiary application campaign for the year of 2023 started on the 31st of March and lasted until the 10th of July.
Information, publications, and documents related to the campaign was proliferated via various media by multiple organisations in the country.
For example, the paying agency in Slovenia, the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development, created a section on its website, where various public information, documents were being published.
The Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia (CAFS) similarly prepared a section on its website, which was solely dedicated to spreading information, forms, instructions, presentations etc. related to the application campaign.
The Slovenian rural network also did its part in the dissemination of information related to the campaign. On the section of our website, called the »Portal of knowledge«, we published various documents. We also published various CAP and application campaign related news on our website and in our weekly newsletter. We also published two tutorial videos, which walked farmers though the forms they must fill out as part of certain interventions.
The most important publication related to the subsidiary application campaign, the »Instructions for implementing interventions from the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027« was published online and made available in printed form. That way farmers, which prefer physical publications could get their hands on the publication in physical form.
Between the 31st of March and the 10th of July, a grand total of 54.730 applications were submitted. A total of 206 live and 13 online events dedicated to giving farmers information on the CAP Strategic plan interventions were organised, with 13.280 individuals participating in them.
Information on public calls
You can find information on currently active public calls for CAP Strategic plan interventions and Rural development network measures on our website, in the section Javni razpisi on the Slovenian version of the website.
The section also features a tab called Okvirni terminski načrt objave javnih razpisov – Tentative timetable for the publication of public calls.
The tab shows a list of upcoming public calls, some basic information on them and when they are, or were, planned to be published. The current timetable for the publication of public calls was published on April 21st, 2023. It contains 27 public calls, of which, multiple are already active.
Some of the more important public calls include the public calls for measure 4.1 from the Rural development program, which include public calls for the purchase of:
- agricultural machinery for harvesting crops,
- mechanization that contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, and
- mechanization to adapt agricultural holdings to the requirements of farming in OMD areas.
Among important public calls for CAP Strategic plan interventions, is the public call for the intervention Support for the establishment of young farmers’ farms, which is expected to be announced later this year, in August, as well as the public call for the intervention »Intergenerational transfer of knowledge«.
LEADER in Slovenia
In Slovenia, we have succsessfully implemented local development led by the community, known as the LEADER/CLLD approach in the 2014-2020 Rural developement programme, for two programming periods.. Slovenia can boast that the LEADER/CLLD approach is implemented throughout the entire country, with all Slovenian municipalities, rural areas, and cities being involved in 37 functioning Local Action Groups (LAGs).
In the 2021-2027 programming period, the LEADER/CLLD approach will be implemented as part of a joint approach called local development led by the community within the framework of the EAFRD and ERDF funds.
By the beginning of March 2023, LAGs have formed new partnerships or will continue in their existing form during the 2023-2027 period. In the new programming period, LAGs are also organized as contractual partnerships of three sectors, consisting of representatives from public and private socio-economic interests in the selected area, namely the public, economic (or business), and social (or civil) sectors.
LAGs in the field are preparing Local Development Strategies (LDS), which will be approved by the end of 2023. Approved LDSs will begin implementation in early 2024.
Projects will be implemented based on public calls published by LAGs, with selected lead partners acting on behalf of the LAG. Through approved LAGs and local development strategies for the 2023-2027 programming period, the LEADER intervention aims to promote employment, growth, social inclusion, and local development in rural areas, and contribute to other specific objectives of the strategic plan. The purpose of the LEADER intervention is to achieve these goals through the implementation of operations and cooperation operations among different LAGs, addressing the needs and challenges in rural areas, such as social inclusion of all rural residents, promotion of employment and entrepreneurship in rural areas, development of basic services, improvement of quality of life, provision of rural infrastructure development, development of the smart village concept, environmental and climate solutions in rural areas, incentives for organic farming, and more. The projects that will be implemented will contribute to the achievement of the goals of local development strategies, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, innovation, equal inclusion of different partners, or higher added value to the LAG area.
Slovenian CAP Network
If you are looking for more information about Slovenia’s CAP Strategic plan implementation, feel free to contact us at the Slovenian CAP Network.
You can find our contact information on the National CAP network tab.