Slovenian Common Agricultural Policy Network (CAP Network)

Strategic orientation of the CAP Network

The strategic orientation of the Slovenian CAP Network (Mreža za podeželje) is to support the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 through different networking and communication tools. Slovenian Network follows objectives of the common agricultural policy and at the same time responds to the needs of the program area and follows the botton-up approach.

VIDEO: Slovenian National Rural Network, 2021

CAP Network objectives

  • Contribute to improving the quality of implementation of CAP Strategic Plans;
  • Increase the involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans and, where relevant, in their design;
  • Foster innovation and knowledge-exchange in agriculture and rural development;
  • Contribute to monitoring and evaluation capacity and activities and contribute to the dissemination of CAP Strategic Plans results;
  • Accompany the Member States’ administrations in the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans and the transition to a performance-based delivery model.

CAP Network structure

  • Network base is comprising of members who are organisations and individuals under a voluntary and free-of-charge membership into the Network base.
  • The Network Support Unit (NSU), which is based within the Directorate for Agriculture at the Ministry.
  • The Steering Group of the Rural Network provides outlines for the Network operation and thus presents or represents various groups/areas. It consists of representatives of 23 organizations.
  • The network cooperates with the so called INFO Points which provide the stakeholders with information on RDP.


CAP Network members

  • CAP Strategic Plan beneficiaries;
  • partners in the field of rural development (e.g.: chambers, associations, research and education institutions, institutes, non-governmental organisations, local communities, public institutions, etc.);
  • general public;
  • the young related to the rural development;
  • pupils and students related to the rural development, children in kindergartens and elementary schools;
  • women related to the rural development;
  • media;
  • national networks for rural development and local action groups in the EU, European CAP Network and other international organisation (PREPARE, etc.);
  • other participants in the field of rural development.

CAP network major topics

  • Climate Change and Biodiversity
  • Generational Renewal
  • AKIS
  • Agricultural Production



Slovenian CAP Network

phone: 00386 1 478 9128
phone: 00386  1 478 9136 (Matej Štepec)
