The Strategic Plan 2023-2027 (hereinafter: SP 2023-2027) contains the key strategic orientations for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (hereinafter: CAP) in the Republic of Slovenia and presents a range of proposed interventions for their effective and efficient implementation in practice.
For the first time, the single document defines the whole CAP, both Pillar I, which covers direct payments and agricultural markets, and Pillar II, which comprises rural development policy.
The combinig of the two pillars brings a new dimension and also has a positive impact on ensuring synergies and complementarities between interventions, thereby also bringing greater, stronger effects of both pillars in achieving the stated objectives of the CAP as a whole. And the strong emphasis on achieving the objectives and verifying results and performance is at the heart of the new CAP.
Under SP 2023-2027, Slovenia has a budget of EUR 1.2 billion from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for a period of five years.
Payments in areas with natural and other constraints also represent a particularly large and important factor for farm income stability and have a positive impact on the conservation of natural resources and also on the population of the rural areas, which account for 80 % of agricultural land in Slovenia.
Smart, resilient and competitive agriculture
The development of Slovenian agriculture cannot be expected without generational renewal, which underpins high expectations for faster implementation of novelty, knowledge, technologies, digitalisation. In this part of the SP 2023-2027 represents comprehensive support, combining different supports for young farmers: From start-up, investment, to support related, to knowledge transfer and innovation. We also maintain the payment for young farmers under the direct payment schemes, which represents an important income support for young farmers starting their agricultural activity.
Strategic plan 2023-2027 is focused on sustainable technologically advanced and competitive agriculture with an emphasis on digitalisation.
We will promote solutions to move towards a circular economy and achieve higher added value throughout the production chain. We will improve access to financial resources for stakeholders in the food supply chain through appropriate financial instruments.
In addition to the strategic function of food production, Slovenian agriculture also has significant spatial and environmental importance. Therefore, the SP 2023-2027 also seeks to use technologies and production methods that have the least negative impact on natural resources, while preserving the diversity of animal and plant species. SP 2023-2027 also very clearly addresses climate change, both mitigation and adaptation.
Environmental protection and sustainable management of natural resources
Our aim is to achieve greater quantities of Slovenian organic products in stores, which will also be promoted through support for the networking of organic producers and food processors. SP 2023-2027 also addresses consumers and the expectations of society as a whole. This places a strong emphasis on the production and processing of organic food, on the proper careful handling of PPPs, on antibiotics and on ensuring animal welfare.
For the protection of the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources, we allocate one third of the total funding available under the SP 2023-2027.
We will also continue to support local initiatives and community-led local development activities (LEADER/CLLD approach), in particular with promoting rural employment, increasing the social inclusion of people, preserving village cores and cultural traditions, traditions and habits, sustainable forms of tourism, promoting intergenerational cooperation and various social services.
We are allocating ten percent of the total funding available for raising the quality of life in rural areas and strengthening economic activity in the context of SP 2023-2027.
We are aware that successful development of Slovenian agriculture and rural areas can only be achieved through networking and cooperation between all stakeholders in knowledge transfer and innovation.
Partnership, cooperation and inclusive approach
Throughout the preparation of SP 2023-2027, intensive cooperation is ongoing with the evaluators, independent external contractors, who carry out the assessment of SP 2023-2027 with a view to improving its quality. There is also a process of comprehensive environmental impact assessment and informal coordination of the content of SP 2023-2027 with the European Commission.
In view of the complexity of the objectives of the future CAP, the challenge of preparing this SP 2023-2027 is particularly serious as we are trying to find the right balance between the expectations of producers and those of society. At the same time, our concern is to ensure that the implementation of SP 2023-2027 will be effective, result-oriented and an ambitious step forward in the development of Slovenian agriculture and also in the area of simplification of implementation for final beneficiaries. We are aware of the importance of the present document, as it directly and indirectly affects every Slovenian citizen.
Link to European Commission: The new common agricultural policy: 2023-27